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Software update



An experimental auto-updater is included with the latest Bpod software. It is not available on all platforms, and as new software it carries the risk of malfunction in your particular MATLAB + PC configuration. If you choose to use it,

  • Manually back up your Bpod_Gen2 folder as a precaution.
    • Run UpdateBpodSoftware() at the MATLAB command line, and follow all prompts
    • Please report any bugs or unexpected behavior to


To manually update your Bpod software to the newest stable release:

If using SourceTree

  • Close MATLAB and open SourceTree
    • Select the 'Bpod_Gen2' repository tab. If the tab is missing, click '+' and add it back.
    • Click 'Pull'
    • Double-click the latest version in the 'master' branch under 'Branches'

If NOT using SourceTree

  • Close MATLAB
  • Backup your Bpod_Gen2 folder to a safe location
  • Delete Bpod_Gen2 from its original location (Do not change the MATLAB path)
  • Download the latest software from here:
    • Click 'Clone or Download' and select 'Download Zip'
    • Extract the downloaded Zip file to the original Bpod_Gen2 location
    • If desired, rename the root folder to remove '-master'
    • Make sure your MATLAB path includes the Bpod_Gen2 root folder (subfolders not required)