Rotary Encoder Serial Interface
Allows the state machine or PC to log rotary motion and detect threshold crossings using the rotary encoder module. Requires a rotary encoder module board with firmware loaded from:
The Rotary Encoder Module must be connected to a free serial port on the Bpod state machine.
There are two versions of the Rotary Encoder Module with non-overlapping feature sets. Both modules are controlled by the RotaryEncoderModule
class. Functions specific to each version are indicated with:
Module v1 only:
Module v2 only:
State Machine Command Interface
- Byte 255 (reserved): Returns module info to state machine
- 'L' (ASCII 76)
: Start logging position+time data to the microSD card.
- Resets logging position to 0, overwriting previously logged data.
- 'F' (ASCII 70)
: Finish logging position+time data to the microSD card.
- Stops logging data. A call to 'R' (see below) must be made to return data to the PC before the next call to 'L'.
- 'Z' (ASCII 90): Set current rotary encoder position to zero.
- 'E' (ASCII 69): Enable all position thresholds.
- Position thresholds are disabled individually once they are crossed, generating a behavior event. Call 'E' to re-enable all of them.
- 'O' (ASCII 79)
: Start / Stop module output stream.
- Following 'O', the module expects 1 byte:
- 1 to start the module stream
- 0 to stop the module stream
- Following 'O', the module expects 1 byte:
- '#' (ASCII 35): Timestamp a byte-message and return via ongoing USB stream. (Note: Req. Firmware v2)
- Following '#', the module expects 1 byte:
- a message (0-255)
- Following '#', the module expects 1 byte:
- '*' (ASCII 42)
: 'Push' command. If advanced thresholds were loaded to the device with 't' command (below), make them the current thresholds.
- 'X' (ASCII 88): Stops streaming + logging.
SerialUSB Command Interface
The SerialUSB command interface allows configuration of the rotary encoder module with MATLAB or Python before a trial begins. It also allows data return from the module's onboard microSD card. The RotaryEncoderModule
class/plugin for Bpod/MATLAB wraps this interface. The first 6 commands are the same as for the state machine interface (though an acknowledgement byte = 1 is returned in each case), and additional commands follow.
- 'R' (ASCII 82)
: Retrieve captured position data from the module's microSD card. The module replies with the following bytes:
- nPositionsAcquired (4 bytes; 32-bit int); number of samples acquired since last call to 'L' (see above)
- for (each position)
- a position (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int)
- a timestamp (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int)
- Positions are signed integers in units of rotary encoder tics (1024 = 1 full rotation)
- Times are given in milliseconds
- If no data is available, 0 is returned for nPositionsAcquired.
- 'Q' (ASCII 81): Return the encoder's current position. The module replies with the following bytes:
- currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int);
- units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)
- 'P' (ASCII 80): Set current rotary encoder position. 'P' (byte 0) is followed by:
- Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the new position.
- units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation).
- Negative values are permitted, but their absolute value must not exceed wrapPoint (see 'W' below).
- The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the current position.
- Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the new position.
- 'S' (ASCII 83): Start/Stop streaming position and time measurements to the USB port. 'S' (byte 0) is followed by:
- streamingEnabled (1 byte): 0 to stop USB streaming, 1 to start USB streaming. Also see '#' command above.
- If enabled, bytes arrive at the USB serial port as follows:
- while (streamingEnabled)
- ---For firmware v1:---
- for (each new position)
- currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)
- currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)
- for (each new position)
- ---For firmware v2:---
- whichData (1 byte):
- 'P' (ASCII 80) if position data follows
- 'E' (ASCII 69) if event data follows
- IF 'P' was received (position data):
- nPositions (1 byte): number of positions to read
- FOR each position in nPositions - currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation) - currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)
- IF 'E' was received (event data): - eventOrigin (1 byte): 0 if from state machine, 1-3 reserved for events from TTL and I2C - eventCode (1 byte): For state machine events, the "event" byte that followed '#' (above) - currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)
- whichData (1 byte):
- ---For firmware v3 or newer:---
- whichData (1 byte):
- 'P' (ASCII 80) if position data follows
- 'E' (ASCII 69) if event data follows
- IF 'P' was received (position data):
- currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)
- currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)
- whichData (1 byte):
- IF 'E' was received (event data): - eventOrigin (1 byte): 0 if from state machine, 1-3 reserved for events from TTL and I2C - eventCode (1 byte): For state machine events, the "event" byte that followed '#' (above) - currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)
- ---For firmware v1:---
- 'V' (ASCII 86): Enable/Disable event transmission to state machine. 'V' (byte 0) is followed by:
- eventsEnabled (1 byte): 0 to disable sending threshold events, 1 to enable.
- The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished enabling/disabling events.
- 'T' (ASCII 84): Program position thresholds (used to generate behavior events). 'T' (byte 0) is followed by:
- nThresholds (1 byte): number of thresholds to use. This must be less than maxThresholds (defined in firmware)
- for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)
- threshold (16-bit signed integer; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation))
- The absolute value of all thresholds must be less than wrap point (see 'W' below)
- The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished programming the list of thresholds.
- 't' (ASCII 116)
: Program 'advanced' position thresholds. Advanced thresholds are not made current when loaded to the device, until the device receives a * command (see above). Threshold type can be type 0 (position threshold) or type 1 (threshold reached by remaining within position range for a set amount of time). 't' (byte 0) is followed by:
- nThresholds (1 byte): number of thresholds to program
- for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)
- thresholdType (1 byte): Either 0 (position threshold) or 1 (time within range)
- for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)
- threshold (16-bit signed integer): Position threshold. If thresholdType == 1, this is the range boundary (+/- with respect to position 0)
- for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)
- thresholdTimes (32-bit unsigned integer): Time for thresholdType1 (unit = increments of 100 microseconds)
- 'W' (ASCII 87): Set wrap point (number of tics in a half-rotation). 'W' (byte 0) is followed by:
- Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the wrapPoint.
- units = rotary encoder tics (512 / half rotation).
- wrapPoint is the point at which the lowest permissible negative position is wrapped to the highest permissible positive position.
- At 512 (default), position wraps from -512 to +512 (for a total of 1024 tics per rotation).
- At 1024, two full rotations are required in either direction to wrap the current position (i.e. positions between -1024 and +1024 are permissible).
- wrapPoint can be used to allow thresholds more distant than 1 rotation away from the start point (position 0).
- wrapPoint is the point at which the lowest permissible negative position is wrapped to the highest permissible positive position.
- units = rotary encoder tics (512 / half rotation).
- The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the wrapPoint.
- Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the wrapPoint.
- 'I' (ASCII 73)
: Set 1-character prefix for module output stream. 'I' (byte 0) is followed by:
- prefix (1 byte): a prefix-byte sent before each 16-bit position in the output data stream
- The prefix should match the data format expected by the receiving module
- The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the prefix.
- prefix (1 byte): a prefix-byte sent before each 16-bit position in the output data stream
- ';' (ASCII 59): Enable / disable specific event thresholds. ';' (byte 0) is followed by:
- 1 byte whose bits indicate whether each threshold up to nThresholds is enabled (1) or disabled (0) (for nThresholds, see 'T' command)